Skinning With Kids:
The Basics
The most frequent question I get on social media (BY FAR) is about skinning with kids…
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We’re used to “dirt bagging” it in Moab. We actually drive right by the Sorrel River Ranch every time on our way out of town (sleep deprived and shower deprived), and have been FANTASIZING about booking a trip for our family. “But! Would staying here change everything we love about a trip to Moab?” Turns out: Only in the best ways possible! Let me tell you what we loved about staying at the Sorrel River Ranch.
It’s no secret that Winter Park Resort is our home mountain. We frequently visit three times a week during the season, and if my two year slows down for a moment, you might run into us on a Wednesday afternoon. Winter Park is one of the last true local mountains in Colorado.
Navigating Winter Park with kids can take a little work. Iinstead of a “beginner only” side of the mountain, beginner terrain is intermingled across the resort (trust me- this is actually a great thing for families). Once we dialed in our system to skiing at Winter Park, we felt right at home!
Look, I know starting a new winter sport can feel intimidating! It’s cold! It’s wet! And don’t get me started on THE GEAR. I actually got heckled from the lift the first time I went skiing as an adult. I was 25, and literally had no ski gear of my
Meal time is anything but pinterest worthy in our home. I have picky eaters in my family. Like next level picky. When we are out on the trail, getting them to eat balanced, protein rich foods is especially important. I’ve tried all the hacks and snacks and tricks and treats. There have been many failures, but a few wins. When we are out hiking a few miles, or spending a day skiing, it’s important that my kids have the fuel they need to have a steady level of energy throughout the day. Here are a few of our favorite things to eat!
Tatum started insisting (screaming) on hiking herself when she was about 14-16 months old. It almost seems like kids have their own time table of when they are interested in hiking independently. Here are 5 tips that I found to be true for BOTH of my kids, despite their different levels of interest in hiking.
Huck was super hesitant our first day out. He had nothing but bad experiences on pedal bikes- and this one didn’t have training wheels! But after 3 short sessions, he was up and riding on his own! And feeling confident! This is a HUGE DIFFERENCE from our year of struggling. Before heading out
I like to rely on my brain as little as possible when I’m packing up to head out the door with the kids. Especially if we are going camping. There are so many moving parts and little pieces, I’m bound to forget something unless I pack it ahead of time. This is why I use a big bin for all our kitchen things, and store it in the garage so we can grab it on our way out for the weekend.
Alright, lets dive in, shall we? This is the most common question I get about family biking. I didn’t take Huck out to bike with us until he was about
Short answer: Yes. Being able to have an extra few summers of riding bikes with my kids in their childhood is worth every single penny. The end. Long Answer? Read Below:
Earlier this winter I met up with my friend Andrea Slusarski of @drawingfromnature to skin with the kids. Andrea showed up with some watercolors and set up to let Huck paint at the top of our hike. It was snowing and beautiful, and Huck happily
Before leaving the house to go look for rocks, we spent a little time learning about sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. This is a very basic
The most frequent question I get on social media (BY FAR) is about skinning with kids. Since we just wrapped up a glorious ski season, and winter is still fresh on my mind, I’m going to do a brain dump and answer the most asked questions.
Tatum nursed relatively easily until she was about 6 months old. At her 6 month check up, her doctor was concerned that she wasn’t gaining weight quickly enough. Tatum was nursing frequently, and was consuming a decent volume of milk (measured by
Now that it is spring, and we have heard some new bird calls from our windows, Huck and I have been learning about migratory birds. Later this week we hope to visit the Audubon Center trails in our neighborhood (when it is not as crowded), but Huck was really interested in watching this video in migratory birds.
One of the smartest moves you must make for your family is to understand that there is an increased level of vulnerability when you are adventuring with kids. Be quick to accept that fact. Pause. And MOVE ON. Your first offense against disaster/discomfort is research and planning. Spend some time learning WHERE to go, HOW to go, and develop a system that works for your family.
My husband and I are a typical couple. We’re pretty crazy about each other, but if we haven’t been investing in our relationship, we actually start to drive each other pretty crazy. From the early days of our relationship, one of our love languages has been the time we spend biking together- pedaling, sweating, talking,
Huck was 3 days old, and I was waiting for his pediatrician to walk through the door. Would she think I was terrible and irresponsible when I asked her if I could hike with him? It was January, and cold, and he could barely fit into the newborn clothes I had for him. I mean, can you even hike with babies in the winter? Admittedly, I felt selfish for asking. I couldn’t imagine
When I was pregnant with Huck, I felt like a (relative) badass. Staying active during my first pregnancy was easy. Sure, I was tired. And I peed a lot more. There were some back aches after working out. And I took a solid break from climbing because I was too cheap to buy a maternity climbing harness. But I literally trail ran the day I went into the hospital to have Huck. Out of social obligation, I’d occasionally acknowledge that I’d been “lucky to have an easy pregnancy”.
It all looks pretty, doesn’t it? The baby bundled in her bunting, the toddler throwing a snowball, the fat flakes falling among the tall evergreens. Well, I have to be honest with you: hiking in a snowstorm with children is… more work. Snow was swirling upwards from the parking lot towards the tree tops when we pulled up to the trailhead. The thermometer in my car read 18 degrees, but I was guessing it felt colder with the wind. The baby was happy sleeping in the car, and Huck just woke up from his nap and was protesting.
It's no secret that Huck and I love a good road trip. When my husband travels for work, we'll often load up the car and head down south for a few days. To be honest, I worry more about comfort and safety when I travel with Huck- especially when we're driving down those dusty dirt roads with no cell coverage. With all the other gear we need to pack for each trip, I like to make it easy on myself and leave a subset of supplies in our car all the time.
ne of the questions I have been getting the most this past season is how to prepare your littlest skiers for their first day on the mountain. Last year (just after Huck turned two) was..... more challenging than I expected. This year (now that Huck is nearly three), I've totally changed my mindset and approach- and the results have been COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. We've ALL loved skiing together! This year we are focusing on the FUN factor, and leaving the goals at home. Thank you for sponsoring this post, Pistachio Chewy Bites! (Photos taken by Ski Utah).
Having the right gear is essential for traveling in the mountains during the winter. Instead of finding the first
In this season of life, I fall somewhere between a minimalist backpacker and a car camper with a full sized cooler. I like to cook a warm meal while I’m camping, but am not making pancakes and bacon on the camp stove, and peach crumble in the dutch oven (like my dad). Cooking with a toddler
After my initial post about teaching Huck to ski, one of my friends on social media offered some excellent advice about teaching toddler's to ski. I followed up with some questions for Caitlyn Concklin, and she wrote some helpful guidelines. We recently used this approach to introduce our daughter, Tatum to ski (when she was about 15 months old). Thanks, Caitlyn!
Huck turned two 10 days ago. While I know that it is unlikely that such a young toddler will be able to actually turn his skis, or have the muscle strength to stand in skis for very long, I wanted to introduce him to our world.
When I have friends that are just getting into mountain biking, I take them on one of three trails to make them fall in love with the sport. Mueller Park is one of those trails. It's close to the city yet wooded enough to feel like the mountains, it's steep enough for a good workout, and it's technically easy enough
This is a topic that is staggeringly difficult for me to write about. Long time friends and followers know that Ollie has been my best friend, baby, and love for the past 7 years.
The Living Room hike is PERFECT for getting a little sweaty without committing to a huge night. That being said, the hike maintains a nice pitch, totally doubling as a "leg day".

My “motherhood with a side of dirt” adventure journal teaches you the skills you need to get outside with your kids so you can create your own legacy of family adventure.

Hey There!
I’m raising my two courageously wild children in Colorado. The seats of our pants are usually dusty, and it’s no secret that we prefer wandering through a forest over wandering through Target. I’m a big believer in over preparing, learning through trial and error, and turning around early when somebody needs a nap. Thanks for being here.
NW Arkansas is the perfect vacation for adventurous families! Everything from mountain biking, to caverns, to lush hiking trails- with the feeling of art and community woven into the natural beauty of this state. Here are a few of our favorite things to do!