Is a Kid's Bike REALLY Worth $389?

Short answer: Yes. Being able to have an extra few summers of riding bikes with my kids during their childhood is worth every single penny. The end.

Long answer: Read below.

Is a Kid's Bike Really Worth $389?

I Tried Going Cheap

When we looked for a bike for Huck, I was honestly surprised by how expensive quality kids bikes are. I shopped around for a used bike for a month or two, and couldn’t find anything in our area. Instead of shelling out $250-$400 for a quality bike, I spent $79 at Target for one that looked fine enough. You can read more about my folly here. It currently is sitting in a corner of our garage waiting to be donated. I don’t feel right about giving it to a friend, or trying to sell it on Craigslist. There certainly are some children out there who will be willing to wrestle and learn on a bulky and heavy bike- my kid just isn’t one of them.

Do Your Homework

After I accepted that this was going to be an investment, I started doing some research on different bike companies. If i’m paying upwards of $400 it has to be worth it. After reading countless blogs, and IG posts (non sponsored ones), I kept reading about Woom over and over again. I knew I wanted something lightweight, but I also knew I didn’t want a shrunk down version of my commuter bike. My body is proportioned differently than my 5 year old’s body. My body MOVES differently than his body. I wanted something from a company that researches specifically how children’s bodies move and play. While there are other companies that make lightweight small bikes, Woom’s bikes weigh in at 12 lbs! That is WILD. Their components are specifically designed for children, and the geometry is made for a child’s body. When looking at bikes, we knew we wanted Huck to learn with hand brakes (as he struggled with a bike with pedal brakes, and he would switch to hand brakes eventually). We ended up getting Huck a Woom3. This bike costs $389. But it changed everything for Huck (Read more here).

Fit Matters

Have you ever had a bike fitting? It’s amazing how a few minor adjustments can totally transform the way you ride your bike. Woom has taken this into account for kids, knowing that a bike needs to be able to adjust to a child’s growing body. We noticed that adjusting the brakes helped Huck feel more in control and more confident. This guide was really helpful.

Upcycling program

I’m a pretty frugal person. When we get gear for Huck, we expect it to last for Tatum (we get all his snow clothes, goggles, skis, etc in gender neutral colors). One thing that stood out to me when I was researching bike brands, was hearing how many families hand Woom bikes down through several children. If you check out the website, you’ll see that these bikes are bright, gender neutral colors. These bikes are built to last. Only have one kid? is it still worth the investment? I love how Woom has an upcyling program. You can actually exchange the bike your child outgrows for a new one at 40% off.

Is a Kid's Bike Really Worth $389?

But really, is it Worth $389?

I’m not going to lie, this is Huck’s most expensive piece of gear. Ouch. But honestly? My bike my most expensive piece of gear too. And I never second guess a single dollar of the value I get from my mountain bike when I ride. The joy it brings me is immeasurable. When I see how confident and joyful Huck looks when he rides, compared to how he felt about biking a week ago? I can’t put a dollar amount on that. And I absolutely can’t put a dollar amount on being able to ride together as a family this spring/summer.

Is a Kid's Bike Really Worth $389?

Is it worth it? Absolutely. I have learned again and again and again- buy it once and buy it right. Buy it to last through a few kids, or to upcycle (whether selling locally or trading in). After my first IG story about struggling teaching Huck to ride a bike, I had over 50 DM’s from families who said they struggled until they switched to Woom too. This included one mother whose son who has motor challenges and was struggling to ride.

This is not an affiliate post, and I’m not being paid for this review. After struggling to get Huck to learn to ride for a year, this was the bike that made it click for us. After doing some research, I’m glad this is the bike we chose to get for Huck (and Tatum in a few years!).

This bike was gifted to our family by Woom. We genuinely love this bike, and wanted to tell you why it was such a game changer for our son This is not a “sponsored” post, and all thoughts and views are mine.